On this website you can find a lot about us, pictures, experiences, who we are, but we do not stand alone.

This trip would not have been possible without the help of a few awesome people.

Who they are and what they do, you will read below!

Hilbert Kamphuisen

Hilbert Kamphuisen


Hilbert has done several good things for us and the latest one is to offer guidance in our wish to document our trip on film.

Hilbert organizes and teaches several classes for the University of Amsterdam that combine scientific research with film. He can be seen as a protagonist for the Visual discipline of Social Sciences.

His great passion besides creating an amazing space for students to develop their interest in film, is probably drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. And although guiding student is now his main worry, he has made quite a few interesting films himself.

Please find out more about Hilbert and his endeavors on


Jennifer Middleton

Jennifer Middleton


Jennifer doesn’t need sleep. Working with her means you start at 11:00 AM working just up till 05:00 AM at which point you might take a nap. Despite of this killer schedule, it is all positive; working with Jennifer gives you energy. You can always count on her for some helpful advise.

This is how we know Jennifer. She helped us with making our documentaries, by giving us ideas and supporting us while we were editing the content.

Besides spending hours and hours with students, she works at the Ministry of Security and Justice as a consultant on learning and development.

Check out for some of the work she helped produce.

Gert Albers

Gert Albers

Dox's previous owner

Gert has sold us Dox. Not only did he do us a great favor by doing so, he also helped us in many other ways. He has been of more help than we could of dreamed of, giving advice on the car and several destinations.

Gert has several hobbies, but the most important one must be the running of his own business. In order to do so, he has to travel a lot and among his favorite countries you are sure to find Turkey. He is not afraid of the unknown and firmly believes the people in general are good.

Gert has an eye for all things nice, amongst which the shirts he designs, you can check them out on

Sydney Groot

Sydney Groot

Visual Magician

Sydney is our magic little helper when it comes to anything visual. He kindly accepted to design our logo with respect to Josephine’s very specific wishes, a challenge on itself. He makes jaw dropping designs, photo’s, music videos and what not.

Besides his amazing visual skills, Sydney is a true friend. Sydney and David have been traveling in Australia for about a year. In some ways Josephine can be seen as Sydney’s successor.

Sydney loves to listen to some good old vinyl and has has a nice collection of pretty album covers. He has been lucky to be able to convert his hobby into a career.

If you have any design request or just want to get in touch with someone awesome, check out his linked-in!





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